12/06/2019 - Fattal Jaef, Roberto Naim Jorge (World Bank’s) - "Entry Barriers, Allocative Distortions, and The Firm-Size Distribution"
12/06/2019 - Danilo Trupkin(IIEP UBA-Conicet) - "Asset maintenance as hidden investment among the poor and rich: Application to housing"
21/06/2019 - Ernesto Schargrodsky (UTDT) - "El efecto de la campaña de propaganda durante el balotaje argentino de 2015"
24/06/2019 - Alberto Cavallo (Harvard Business School) - "Tariff Passthrough at the Border and at the Store: Evidence from U.S. Trade Policy"
10/07/2019 -Katerina Chara Papioti (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona) - "Measuring Ex-ante Liquidity Risk and the Effects of Macroprudential Policy: Evidence from Chilean Bond Auctions"
01/08/2019 - Federico Zincenko(University of Pittsburgh)- "Empirical Framework for Cournot Oligopoly with Private Information"
02/08/2019 - Matias D. Cattaneo(Princeton University) - "On Binscatter"
06/08/2019 - Pablo Kurlat - (University of Southern California) " Deposit Spreads and the Welfare Cost of Inflation "
07/08/2019 - Dante Amengual (Cemfi) - "Hypothesis tests with a repeatedly singular information matrix"
08/08/2019 - Gabriela Galassi(Bank of Canada) - "The Intergenerational Correlation of Employment: Is There a Role for Work Culture?"
13/08/2019 - Joaquín Blaum(Brown University) - "Global Firms in Large Devaluations"
14/08/2019 - Daniel Paravisini(London School of Economics) - "Deposit Withdrawals"
15/08/2019 - Fernando Alvarez(University of Chicago) -""Consumer Surplus of Alternative Payment Methods: Paying Uber with Cash"
20/08/2019 - Nicholas Trachter(Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond) - "Plants in Space"
21/08/2019 - Nicholas Trachter(Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond) - "Diverging Trends in National and Local Concentration"
28/08/2019 - Pablo Fajgelbaum - "The Return to Protectionism"
29/08/2019 - Hugo Hopenhayn(UCLA) - "From Population Growth to Firm Demographics: Implications for Concentration, Entrepreneurship and the Labor Share"
02/09/2019 - Francisco Roch(IMF)- "Constrained efficient borrowing with sovereign default risk"
18/09/2019 - Damian Clarke(USACH) - "Contraceptive Reforms and Women's Health -- Evidence from Natural Experiments"
10/10/2019 - David Kohn(PUC)- “Financial Development and the Effects of Trade Liberalization”
10/10/2019 - Alberto Galasso (Bocconi University) - "Positive Spillovers from Negative Campaigning"
23/10/2019 - Rodrigo Soares(Columbia University) - "Down the River: Glyphosate Use in Agriculture and Birth Outcomes of Surrounding Populations"
06/11/2019 - Santiago Camara - "Exchange Rate Shocks, Export Dynamics and Macroeconomic Performance"
20/11/2019 - Andrés Blanco(UMICH) - "Aggregate Dynamics in Lumpy Economies"
20/11/2019 - Federico Sturzenegger (UdESA) - "Macri’s Macro. The meandering road to stability and growth "
21/11/2019 - Tatiana Rosa(CEMFI) - "Cooperation, Competition and Patents: Understanding Innovation in the Telecommunication Sector"
26/11/2019 - Paulina Restrepo-Echavarría(Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis) - "Optimal Wage Setting Under Targeted Search"
10/12/2019 - Juan Dubra (Universidad de Montevideo) - "Belief elicitation when more than money matters"