Seminarios Presentados Durante el 2011
30/03/2011 Rody Manuelli (Washington University of St Louis) Disease and Development: The Role of Human Capital
31/03/2011 Ariel Burstein (UCLA) Aggregate Implications of Innovation Policy
06/04/2011 Hernán Ruffo (CEMFI and UTDT) Optimal Life Cycle Unemployment Insurance
13/04/2011 Guillermo Cruces (CEDLAS-UNLP) Biased perceptions of income distribution and preferences for redistribution: Evidence from a survey experiment
20/04/2011 Hugo Hopenhayn (UCLA) Optimal Patent Policy with recurrent innovators
27/04/2011 Leandro Gorno (Princeton University) Coherent Expected Utility: A Theory of Revealed Cardinal Preference
11/05/2011 Andrés Neumeyer (UTDT) From Hyperinflation to Stable Prices: Argentina's Evidence on Menu Cost Models
01/06/2011 Juan Carlos Hallak (UdeSA) Lifting the domestic veil: the chalenges of exporting differenciated goods across the development divide
08/06/2011 Marina Azzimonti (FRB of Philadelphia) Partisan Cycles and the Consumption Volatility Puzzle
15/06/2011 Julian Messina (WB) Wage Rigidity and Disinflation in Emerging Countries
16/06/2011 Pablo D. Fajgelbaum (Princeton University) Labor Market Frictions, Firm Growth and International Trade
21/06/2011 Johannes Hartl (University of Regensburg) Corporate Insurance with Safety Loadings: A Note
06/07/2011 Pablo Schenone (Northwestern University) Repeated games with incomplete information: Do beliefs really matter?
13/07/2011 Alex R. Horenstein (ITAM School of Business) Determining the Rank of Beta Matrix in Linear Asset Pricing Models
20/07/2011 Alejandro Van der Gothe (UTDT) The Political Economy of Sovereign Defaults
27/07/2011 Juan Matias Ortner (Princeton University) A Continuous Time Model of Bargaining
03/08/2011 Alberto Martin (CREI y Pompeu Fabra) Economic Growth with Bubbles
10/08/2011 Martin Gonzalez Eiras (UdeSA) An Optimal Voting Rule for Multilateral Financial Institutions
11/08/2011 Facundo Piguillem (EIEF) Innovation and Welfare Gains from Trade: do Small Firms Matter
17/08/2011 Ugo Panizza (UNCTAD) Too Much Finance?
24/08/2011 Ricardo Lagos (NYU) Trade Dynamics in the Market for Federal Funds
25/08/2011 Maxim Mironov (IE Business School) Corruption in Procurement and Shadow Campaign Financing: Evidence from Russia
26/08/2011 Pablo Kurlat (Stanford University) Deregulating markets for financial information
30/08/2011 Saki Bigio (NYU) Financial Risk Capacity
31/08/2011 Nicolás Tratcher (EIEF) The Optimum Quantity of Money with Borrowing Constraints
19/09/2011 Victoria Vanasco (University of California, Berkeley) Learning by Lending: The Informational Role of Financial Intermediaries
21/09/2011 Marcelo Veracierto (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago) Worker Flows and Matching Efficiency
12/10/2011 Frederic Mishkin (Graduate School of Business, Columbia University and National Bureau of Economic Research) Monetary Policy Strategy: Lessons from the Crisis
19/10/2011 Carlos Bozzoli (DIW-Berlin) The Weight of the Crisis: Evidence From Newborns in Argentina
26/10/2011 Eugenia Andreasen (European Institute) Default, Institutions and the External Cost of Capital
02/11/2011 Pedro Teles (Banco de Portugal, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa and CEPR) Unconventional Fiscal Policy at the Zero Bound
16/11/2011 Agustín Bénétrix (Trinity College Dublin and IIIS) How Housing Slumps End30/03/2011 Rody Manuelli (Washington University of St Louis) Disease and Development: The Role of Human Capital
30/11/2011 Germán Cubas (Banco Central del Uruguay) Talent, Labor Quality and Economic Development
07/12/2011 Ricard Gil (Johns Hopkins Carey Business School) Does Vertical Integration Decrease Prices? Evidence from the Paramount Antitrust Case of 1948
16/12/2011 Ivan Werning (MIT) Managing a Liquidity Trap: Monetary and Fiscal Policy