Publicaciones Destacadas Recientes

Sola, M., Pouzo, D., y Psaradakis, Z., 2022. "Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Markov Regime-Switching Models with Covariate-Dependent Transition Probabilities", Econometrica.

Nicolini, J.P., Chari, V., Teles, P., 2020. “Optimal Capital Taxation Revisited”Journal of Monetary Economics. 

Nicolini, J.P., Hevia, C., Ayres, J., 2020 “Real Exchange Rates and Primary Commodity Prices", Journal of International Economics, 2020.

Neumeyer, A., Alvarez, M., Beraja, M., González Rozada, M., 2019, "From Hyperinflation to Stable Prices: Argentina’s evidence on menu cost models", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 134, Issue 1. 

Hevia, C., González Rozada, M.,  Solá, M., Spagnolo, F., 2015. "Estimating and forecasting the yield curve using a Markov switching dynamic Nelson and Siegel model", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol 30, Issue 6, pp. 987-1009.

Ruffo, H., Michelacci, C., 2015. “Optimal Life Cycle Unemployment Insurance”, American Economic Review, Vol. 105(2), pp. 816-59.

Rotnitzky, A. and Smucler, E. (2020) "Efficient Adjustment Sets for Population Average Causal Treatment Effect Estimation in Graphical Models", Journal of Machine Learning Research. 21(188):1−86

Espino, E. y Beker, P., 2011. “The Dynamics of Efficient Asset Trading with Heterogeneous Beliefs”. Journal of Economic Theory, 146 (1), 189-229.