21/03/2018 Pedro
Dal Bo(Brown University) 'The
Determinants of Efficient Behavior in Coordination Games'
27/03/2018 Conferencia: Martín Beraja(MIT) 'Buenos Aires Meetings in Economics'
04/04/2018 Gabriel
Montes Rojas (Conicet) 'Tests for
nonlinear restrictions under local misspecification'
18/04/2018 Martin
Rossi(Universidad de San Andres)
'Following the Poppy Trail: Causes and Consequences of Mexican Drug Cartels'
25/04/2018 Anna
Aizer(Brown University) 'Holding
out for Mr Right: Women’s Income, Marital Status and Child Well-Being'
09/05/2018 Mariano Tommasi(Universidad
de San Andres) 'Tratando de entender la pobreza en Argentina'
15/05/2018 Constantino
Hevia (UTDT) 'The Macroeconomics
of Itaipu: an Open Economy Model of a Large Spending Shock'
16/05/2018 Martin
Fiszbein(Boston University) 'Frontier
Culture: The Roots and Persistence of "Rugged Individualism" in the
United States'
22/05/2018 Emilio
Espino(UTDT) 'Corporate Debt and
Capital Controls'
30/05/2018 Joaquin
Blaum (Brown University) 'The
Gains from Input Trade With Heterogeneous Importers'
27/06/2018 David
Lee(Princeton University)
'Regression Discontinuity and Kink Designs: Theory and Practice'
04/07/2018 Martín
González Eiras(University of
Copenhagen) 'Liquidity Shocks, Market Turnover and Bidding Behavior
in Treasury Auctions'
11/07/2018 Pablo
Kurlat (Stanford University) 'How
I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Fire Sales'
17/07/2018 Federico
Mandelman (Federal Reserve Bank of
Atlanta) 'The effect of Automation, Offshoring and Low-Skill
Immigration in the U.S. Labor Market'
18/07/2018 Pablo
D’Erasmo (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia) 'Capital Requirements in a
Quantitative Model of Banking Industry Dynamics'
25/07/2018 Demian
Pouzo(University of California) 'Some Large Sample Results for the
Class of Regularized Estimators'
26/07/2018 Pablo
Fajgelbaum (UCLA) 'Optimal
Spatial Policies, Geography and Sorting'
31/07/2018 Fernando
Álvarez (University of Chicago) ''The
analytic theory of a monetary shock''
01/08/2018 Facundo
Piguillem(EIEF) 'Rising Capital
Shares and Risk Sharing'
02/08/2018 Ariel
Burstein (UCLA) 'Tradability and
the Labor-Market Impact of Immigration: Theory and Evidence from the U.S.'
08/08/2018 Guillermo Cruces(Ministerio
de Haciendas de la Nación) 'Tax Audits as Scarecrows: Evidence from a Large-Scale
Field Experiment''
09/08/2018 Matias
Cattaneo (University of Michigan)
'Bootstrap-Based Inference for Cube Root Consistent Estimators''
15/08/2018 Fernando
Álvarez(University of Chicago) 'A
three mutual fund separation theorem''
28/08/2018 Federico
Echenique (California Institute of
Technology) 'Statistical discrimination and affirmative action in the lab
& A characterization of "Phelpsian" statistical discrimination''
29/08/2018 Nicholas
Trachter(Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond) 'An Information-Based Theory of Financial Intermediation'
05/09/2018 Liam
Lenten(La Trobe University in
Melbourne) 'Bonus Incentives and Team Effort Levels: Evidence from
the Field'
12/09/2018 Mariano
Kulish(University of Sydney)
'Some fiscal implications of a slowdown in trend growth'
13/09/2018 Morten
O. Ravn(College London) 'Macroeconomic
Fluctuations with HANK & SAM: an Analytical Approach'
03/10/2018 Oscar
Volij(Ben-Gurion University)'Measuring Income Segregation''
16/10/2018 Julien
Pinter(Labex Refi) 'How
can financial constraints force a central bank to exit a currency peg? An
application to the Swiss Franc peg''