23/03/2017 Samuel Berlinski(IDB) 'Does Rewarding Pedagogical Excellence Keep Teachers in the
Classroom? Evidence from a Voluntary Award Program''
29/03/2017 Anastasia Burkovskaya (University of Sydney) 'Identification
and Estimation of Electoral Model and Ballot Stuffing''
26/04/2017 Josh Graff Zivin(UCSD) 'The Impact of Pollution on Worker Productivity''
10/05/2017 Joaquin Blaum (Brown University) 'Importing, Exporting and Aggregate Productivity in Large
17/05/2017 Jan Eeckhout (Barcelona GSE-ICREA-UPF and University College London) 'Unemployment
23/05/2017 Carlos Scartascini(BID) 'Do Rewards Work? Evidence from the Randomization of Public
24/05/2017 Marcelo Veracierto (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)'Gross Migration, Housing and Urban Population Dynamics''
07/06/2017 Maria
Marta Ferreyra (Banco Mundial) 'Momento
decisivo: La educación superior en América Latina y el Caribe''
13/06/2017 MaríaFabiana Penas(UTDT) 'Debtor
Protection, Credit Redistribution, and Income Inequality''
28/06/2017 Carlos Lamarche(University of Kentucky)'Common Correlated Effects
Estimation of Heterogeneous Dynamic Panel Quantile Regression Models''
05/07/2017 Jonah E. Rockoff(Columbia University GSB) 'The Causes and Consequences of
Test Score Manipulation: Evidence from the New York Regents Examinations"
12/07/2017 Demian Pouzo (UC Berkeley)'On the Non-Asymptotic Properties of
Regularized M-estimators''
19/07/2017 Javier García-Cicco (UCA) 'Revisiting the Exchange Rate Pass
Through: A General Equilibrium Perspective''
02/08/2017 Matias Cattaneo(University of Michigan and Princeton) 'Two-Step Estimation and
Inference with Possibly Many Included Covariates''
09/08/2017 Rafael La Porta (Dartmouth College)'Diagnostic Expectations and Stock
15/08/2017 Conferencia de Coyuntura'Robotización y el futuro del empleo: los desafíos''
16/08/2017 Pablo Kurlat(Stanford University)'Why are Banks Exposed to Monetary
29/08/2017 Roberto Rigobon 'Retail prices,
pass-through and big data''
18/10/2017 Rody Manuelli (Washington University in St. Louis) 'Natural Disasters and Growth: The Role of Foreign Aid and
Disaster Insurance''
02/11/2017 Conferencia
de coyuntura 'Las estadísticas
públicas: estado actual y desafíos futuros''
07/11/2017 Timothy J. Kehoe (University of Minnesota) 'Macroeconomic Effects of Medicare''
08/11/2017 Nicholas Trachter(Richmond Federal Reserve
Bank)'Knowing me and knowing you: a theory of
22/11/2017 Juan Dubra (Universidad de
Montevideo) ´Meet the Oligarchs: Business Legitimacy, State Capacity
and Taxation'
23/11/2017 Gabriel Lopez-Moctezuma(California Institute of Technology)'Sequential
Deliberation in Collective Decision-Making: The Case of the FOMC'
29/11/2017 Andrea Ariu(LMU)
'Trade in Services
30/11/2017 Turalay Kenc 'Default Indicators with
Volatility Clustering'