Diversidad en boards de dirección: Innovación y Estereotipos. Caso Francia.
Viernes 11 de agosto, de 8.30 a 11 h.
En esta oportunidad contaremos con la exposición del Dr. Fabrice Galia y Evelyne Gross, profesores de Burgundy School of business, de Francia, quienes compartirán su experiencia sobre el impacto de la diversidad en procesos de innovación. Inicialmente introducirán la situación de las mujeres en el mundo y los desafíos globales, especialmente en Francia, cuál es la legislación y cómo trascendió a la realidad en el ámbito empresarial. Luego profundizarán en el impacto que tiene la diversidad en los boards de dirección y en los distintos tipos de innovación que genera la empresa. Luego compartirán un experimento que muestra cómo los estereotipos afectan los procesos de selección de miembros de un board de dirección.
El evento se realizará en español y contará con la moderación de María José Sucarrat, directora ejecutiva de la R.E.D.
Sobre Dr. Fabrice Galia
Dr. Fabrice Galia has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University Panthéon-Assas Paris II with the Thesis ‘‘Competencies of Firms, Human Resources Management and Innovation’’. He is Associate Professor in Economics and Management of Organizations at Burgundy School of business - BSB since 2006. He is a member of the Research Chair in Corporate Governance and te Research Chair in Responsible Management and Innovations. He is in charge of the Building up Skills for Business® - BSB® project which aims at meeting the AACSB / EFMD expectations in terms of skills assessment (AOL), as well as raising students' awareness of their skills development.
His main research interest focuses on the analysis of innovation and organization of firms. He works on complementarities between forms of innovation in France and UK; dynamics of innovation; green innovations; marketing innovations in France and Spain and obstacles to innovation in France and Italy.
He presented several papers at national and international conferences, which were published in international journals such as Research Policy, Technovation, Information Economics and Policy, Strategic Change, Managerial and Decision Economics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, European Management Review and Journal of Productivity Analysis.
He is involved in the questionnaire design for the French Community Innovation Survey CIS since 2005. He is also scientific advisor for the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and The South American Network on Applied Economics / Red Sur (Red Sudamericana de Economía Aplicada) on the research projects on "Obstacles to Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)".
Sobre Evelyne Gross
Evelyne Gross has a Bachelor's degree in Applied Languages from the University of Strasbourg (France) and a Master's degree in European Studies from the University of Krakow (Poland). She has experience in living abroad (Spain, Poland, UK, Italy). She has got a 7-year experience at Burgundy School of Business - BSB: a 2-year experience in managing international student exchanges and a 5-year experience in managing national and international accreditation processes (AACSB / EPAS / EQUIS), quality project management, IT systems improvement, data collection and data analysis. She is also responsible for the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project of Burgundy School of Business - BSB. She has an overall understanding of the different dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability.