Seminario: Rationalizing “Unconventional” Monetary Policies

Miércoles 16 de Octubre, 13.00h.

Javier Garcia-Cicco

PhD in Economics, Duke University. Senior Economist at Central Bank of Chile and Research Professor at Universidad Católica Argentina.

We present a small-open-economy model to analyze the role of central bank’s liquidity
management in implementing “unconventional” monetary policies within an inflation
targeting framework (i.e. policies that deviates from an interest-rate rule). We use this
framework to analyze two alternative ”unconventional” policies: sterilized exchangerate
interventions and the expansion in the list of eligible collaterals accepted at the
liquidity facilities operated by the central bank. These policies have been recently
implemented by several central banks: the former as a way to counteract persistent
appreciations in the domestic currency, and the later as a response to the the recent
global financial crisis in 2008. Finally, we also provide a detailed account of the
Chilean experience with these alternative tools since the introduction of the flexible
inflation targeting framework in 1999.

Lugar: Campus Alcorta: Av. Figueroa Alcorta 7350, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Contacto: Departamento de Economía

Organiza: Departamento de Economia