Conferencia: Emergence and developmental trajectory of Ecological Active Learning
El martes 5 de marzo a las 17 hs. la profesora Azzurra Ruggieri (profesora de TUM y CEU) presentó los resultados de estudios recientes que investigan teórica y empíricamente el surgimiento de habilidades de aprendizaje activo en niños, su trayectoria de desarrollo a lo largo de la infancia y los factores que afectan su éxito.
La conferencia, que fue enteramente en idioma inglés, contó con la presentación de la profesora de los posgrados en Educación Cecilia Calero, puede ser vista en el canal de Youtube de la universidad.
Galería de fotos:

Azzurra Ruggeri. Leader of the Max Planck Research Group iSearch - Information Search, Ecological and Active Learning Research with Children. Professor, TUM School of Education of the Technical University of Munich and Department of Cognitive Science, Central European University, Vienna. Her research focuses on how children and adults actively search for information when making decisions, drawing causal inferences and solving categorization tasks. Search strategies, as any other kind of strategies, are not always effective, because their usefulness and performance depends on the characteristics of the problem presented. In this sense, she is interested in how adaptive children and adults’ search for information strategies are, how sensitive and responsive they are to the structure of the tasks. She is especially interested in how actively searching for information, being able to generate the information we are interested in and to focus on what we consider most relevant, can impact our learning, understanding and explanations.
La conferencia, que fue enteramente en idioma inglés, contó con la presentación de la profesora de los posgrados en Educación Cecilia Calero, puede ser vista en el canal de Youtube de la universidad.
Galería de fotos:

Azzurra Ruggeri. Leader of the Max Planck Research Group iSearch - Information Search, Ecological and Active Learning Research with Children. Professor, TUM School of Education of the Technical University of Munich and Department of Cognitive Science, Central European University, Vienna. Her research focuses on how children and adults actively search for information when making decisions, drawing causal inferences and solving categorization tasks. Search strategies, as any other kind of strategies, are not always effective, because their usefulness and performance depends on the characteristics of the problem presented. In this sense, she is interested in how adaptive children and adults’ search for information strategies are, how sensitive and responsive they are to the structure of the tasks. She is especially interested in how actively searching for information, being able to generate the information we are interested in and to focus on what we consider most relevant, can impact our learning, understanding and explanations.