The effect of comprehensive smoke-free legislation on the tourism industry in countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), with Elisa Prieto and Guillermo Sandoval. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 2022; 46:e146.
Impact of a Recent Tobacco Tax Reform in Argentina. In Tobacco Control Journal, 29:s300-s303, August 2020. DOI: Working paper here.
How increasing tobacco prices affects the decision to start and quit smoking: evidence from Argentina, with Giselle Montamat. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(19), 3622; Working paper here
From Hyperninflation to Stable Prices: Argentina’s Evidence on Menu Cost Models, with Fernando Alvarez, Martin Beraja and Andres Neumeyer. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 24 September 2018. DOI:
Analysis of Cigarette Demand in Argentina: the impact of price changes on consumption and government revenues, with Frank Chaloupka, Germán Rodríguez-Iglesias, Beatriz Champagne and Verónica Schoj. Salud Pública de Mexico 2017;59:95-101.
Implications of Increasing Cigarette Taxes in Peru, with Alejandro Ramos-Carbajales. Pan American Journal of Public Health. vol.40 n.4:2505. Washington Oct. 2016.
Demand for cigarettes and tax increases in El Salvador, with Alejandro Ramos-Carbajales and Hugo Vallarino. Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, vol.40 n.4:23742. Washington Oct. 2016.
Optimal Unemployment Benefits in Informal Labor Markets, with Hernán Ruffo. Journal of Labour Economics. Volume 41. August 2016. pp. 204-227. doi:10.1016/j.labeco.2016.06.001
Forecasting Prices in Regime-Switching Markets, with Luis Pereiro. Journal of Portfolio Management. Summer 2015. Vol. 41 No. 4, pp. 133-139. doi: 10.3905/jpm.2015.41.4
Estimating and Forecasting the Yield Curve Using a Markov Switching Dynamic Nelson and Siegel Model, with Constantino Hevia, Martin Sola and Fabio Spagnolo. Journal of Applied Econometrics. 30: 9871009 (2015). doi: 10.1002/jae.2399.
Real Price and Affordability as Challenges for Effective Tobacco Control Policies: an Analysis for Argentina, with Germán Rodríguez-Iglesias, Beatriz Champagne and Verónica Schoj. Pan American Journal of Public Health; February 2015, 37(2):98103.
Towards a "New" Inflation Targeting Framework: The Case of Uruguay, with Matias Escudero and Martin Sola. Economia, The Journal of LACEA, Fall 2014, Volume 15, No. 1.
"Global Factors and Emerging Market Spreads," with Eduardo Levy Yeyati. The Economic Journal, Vol. 118, Issue 533, pp. 1917-1936, November 2008.
"The Economic Impact of Smoke-Free Laws on the Sales in Bars and Restaurants in Argentina," with Mirta Molinari and Mario Virgolini. CVD Prevention and Control, 3, pp. 197-203, November 2008.
"Why Have Poverty and Income Inequality Increased so Much? Argentina 1991-2001," with Alicia Menendez . Journal of Economic Development and Cultural Change. Vol 55 No. 1, October 2006.
"Public University in Argentina: Subsidizing the Rich?," with Alicia Menendez . Economics of Education Review. Vol 21/4 pp 341-351. May 2002.
"Higher Education Subsidies in Argentina" with Alicia Menendez . International Higher Education. No. 22, winter 2001.
Chapters in Books
"Risk Appetite and Emerging Market Spreads," with Eduardo Levy Yeyati, forthcoming in Financial Contagion: The Viral Threat to the Wealth of Nations edited by Robert W. Kolb. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, USA. February, 2011.
"Water Expansions in Shantytowns: Health and Savings," with Sebastian Galiani and Ernesto Schargrodsky. Privatization for the Public Good?: Welfare Effects of Private Intervention in Latin America edited by Alberto Chong and Suzanne Duryea. David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies/Harvard University and Inter-American Development Bank. April, 2008.
"Business Cycles and Macroeconomic Policy Coordination in Mercosur," with José Fanelli. Fundamentos para la Cooperación Macroeconómica en el MERCOSUR edited by F. Lorenzo. Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI Editora Iberoamericana, 2006.
"Comportamiento Macroeconómico, Empleo y Distribución de Ingresos. Argentina en los años Noventa," with Roberto Frenkel (in spanish). Liberalización, Desigualdad y Pobreza: América Latina y el Caribe en los 90, Enrique Ganuza, Ricardo Paes de Barros, Lance Taylor and Rob Vos editors. Eudeba-PNUD-Naciones Unidas, June, 2001.
Régimen Cambiario y Volatilidad. Una Visión desde la
Argentina de la Coordinación Macroeconómica en el Mercosur,"with José
Fanelli and Saul Keifman. Coordinación de Políticas Macroeconómicas en
el Mercosur. Siglo XXI editores, April, 2001.
"Argentina: Balance-of-Payments Liberalization: Effects on Growth, Employment and Income,'' with Roberto Frenkel.External Liberalization, Economic Performance, and Social Policy, Lance Taylor editor. Oxford University Press, chapter 3, pp 57-98, 2001.
"Apertura, Productividad y Empleo: Argentina en los años 90," with Roberto Frenkel (in spanish). Productividad y Empleo en la Apertura Económica, Victor Tokman and Daniel Martinez Editors. OIT, pp. 31-92, 1999.
"Wage Differentials and Trade in Argentina,'' with Alicia Menendez and Donald Robbins. Empleo y Distribución del Ingreso en América Latina: Hemos avanzado?, Mauricio Cárdenas editor. Tercer Mundo and Fedesarrollo editores, Santa Fe de Bogotá, June 1997.
"Economía del Control del Tabaco en los Países del Mercosur y Estados Asociados: Argentina, 1996-2004.'' Washington DC, OPS, 2006.
Working Papers
The welfare effects of unemployment insurance in Argentina. New estimates using changes in the schedule of transfers, wth Hernan Ruffo. Working paper Nro.1, 2022. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella.
Impact of Smoke Free Environments on Tourism in Selected Caribbean Countries. Working paper Nro.1, 2021. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella.
Do Trade Agreements contribute to the decline in Labor Share? Evidence from Latin American Countries, with Hernan Ruffo. Working paper Nro.3, 2021. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella.
Increasing Cigarette Taxes is Unfair to the Poor? Evidence from Argentina, Working paper Nro.1, 2019. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella.
Analysis of Cigarette Tax Structure as a Requirement for an Effective Tax Policy: Evaluation and Simulation for Argentina, with Frank Chaloupka, German Rodriguez Iglesias and Veronica Schoj, January, 2014.
Towards a
"New" Inflation Targeting Framework: The Case of Uruguay, with Matias Escudero and
Martin Sola, January, 2014.
Normative Fiscal Policy and Growth: Some Quantitative Implications for the Chilean Economy, with Emilio Espino, 2013.
Estimating and
Forecasting the Yield Curve Using a Markov Switching Dynamic Nelson and Siegel
Model, with
Constantino Hevia, Martin Sola and Fabio Spagnolo, 2012.
The Effects of a
Conditional Transfer Program on the Labor Market: The Human Development
Bonus in Ecuador, with Freddy Llerena. April, 2011.
Protecting Workers Against
Unemployment in Latin America and the Caribbean: Evidence from Argentina, with Lucas Ronconi and
Hernán Ruffo. January 2011.
The Economic Impact of
Smoke-Free Laws on the Sales of Bars and Restaurants in Argentina , with Mirta Molinari and
Mario Virgolini. February, 2008.
Global Factors and Emerging
Market Spreads , with Eduardo Levy Yeyati
Market Access Gains in US and EU's Agriculture Import Market: Estimates Based
on Bilateral Trade, with Eduardo Bianchi y Pablo Sanguinetti.
A New Test for the Success of Inflation Targeting, with Verónica Cohen-Sabbán
and Andrew Powell.
Inference and Estimation in Small Sample Dynamic Panel Data Models, with
Sebastián Galiani
La Evolución de la Distribución del Ingreso Familiar en Argentina. Un Análisis
de sus Determinantes, with Oscar Altimir and Luis Beccaria (in spanish).
A Threshold Unit Root (TUR) Model for Interest Rates, with Jesús Gonzalo.
Liberalización del Balance de Pagos. Efectos sobre
el Crecimiento, el Empleo y los Ingresos en Argentina, with Roberto Frenkel.
A Non-Exact Present Value
Model For Farmland Prices Behavior, with Jesús Gonzalo.
Convertibilidad, Volatilidad y Estabilidad
Macroeconómica en Argentina, with José Fanelli.
Apertura, Productividad y Empleo. Argentina en los años 90, with Roberto