Publicaciones e Investigación

Libros / Books:

  • 2016 Peña, A. M., ‘Transnational Governance and South American Politics: The Political Economy of Norms’, Basingstoke: Palgrave.
  • 2016 Davies, T, Ryan, H., Peña, A. M. (Eds.), Protest, Social Movements and Global Democracy since 2011, Bingley: Emerald.

Artículos en revistas con referato / Articles in refeered journals:

  • 2024 Meier, L., Peña, A. M., Nah, A., ‘From Collusion to Autonomy: Patterns of Hybrid Repression and Human Rights Activism”, Government & Opposition. Accepted
  • 2024 Villegas Plá, M. B., Peña, A. M., ‘Development and Democracy in Latin America: Embedding Democratic Autonomy and its Hazards’, Review of International Political Economy. 10.1080/09692290.2024.2380869
  • 2023 Peña, A. M., Meier, L., Nah, A., ‘Exhaustion, Adversity and Repression: Emotional Attrition in High-Risk Activism’, Perspectives on Politics, 21 (1), pp. 27-42.
  • 2022 Peña, A. M., Gold, T., ‘The Party-on-the-Net: The Digital Face of Partisan Organization and Activism’, Information, Communication and Society. 26 (16), pp. 3259-3276.
  • 2022 Peña, A. M., Davies, T., ‘Lateral Relations in World Politics: Rethinking Interactions and Change among Fields, Systems, and Sectors’, International Studies Review, 24 (4), pp. 1-27.
  • 2022 Barlow, M., Peña, A. M., ‘Crisis, Taxation, and Legitimacy: Emergency Taxes and Fiscal Legitimation in Argentina under Kirchnerism’, New Political Economy, 27 (3), pp. 403-425.
  • 2021 Peña, A. M., & Barlow, M. Beyond the Boom: Dependent Development and Political Change in Argentina (2010–2015). Frontiers in Political Science, 3. 10.3389/fpos.2021.7052002021.
  • 2021 Peña, A. M., Gold, T. ‘Right-Wing Mobilizations in Latin America (2012-2016): Changing Strategies and New Organizational Repertoires’, Latin American Politics and Society, 63 (3), pp. 93-118.
  • 2021 Peña, A. M., ‘Activist Parties and Hybrid Linkages: A Conceptual Reassessment of Partisan Contention’, Political Studies Review, 19 (3), pp. 637-655.
  • 2021 Peña, A. M., & Davies, T. Social Movements and International Relations: A Relational Framework. Journal of International Relations and Development, 24(1), 51–76.
  • 2019 Peña, A. M., ‘International Relations as a Social System: Approximating sociocybernetics to the Sociology of IR’, International Political Sociology, 13 (3), pp. 253-275.
  • 2019 Gold, T., Peña, A. M., ‘Protests, Signaling, and Elections: Conceptualizing Opposition-Movement Interactions during Argentina’s Anti-Government Protests’, Social Movement Studies, 18 (3), pp. 324-345.
  • 2018 Peña, A. M., ‘The Politics of Resonance: Transnational Sustainability Governance in Argentina’, Regulation and Governance, 12 (1), pp. 150-170.
  • 2017 Peña, A. M., Davies, T., ‘Responding to the Street: The Dynamics of Government Responses to Mass Protests in Democracies’, Mobilization, 22 (2), 177-200.
  • 2017 Peña, A. M., ‘Corporate Movements in Democratic Brazil: Informal Business Networks, Civil Activism, and Political Influence’, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 37 (3), pp. 339-353.
  • 2015 Peña, A. M., ‘Governing differentiation: On standardisation as political steering’, European Journal of International Relations, 21 (1), pp. 52-75.
  • 2015 Nunes, J. Peña, A. M., ‘Marina Silva and the Rise of Sustainability in Brazil’, Environmental Politics, 24 (3), pp. 506-511.
  • 2014 Peña, A. M., ‘Rising Powers, Rising Networks: Brazilian actors in social standardisation’, Oxford Development Studies, 42 (2), pp. 256-276.
  • 2014 Peña, A. M., Davies, T., ‘Globalisation from Above? Corporate Social Responsibility, the Workers’ Party, and the Origins of the World Social Forum’, New Political Economy, 19 (2), pp. 258-281.
  • 2014 Peña, A. M., ‘The political trajectory of the Brazilian CSR movement’, Critical Perspectives on International Business, 10, 4, pp. 310-328.

Capítulos de libros u otras publicaciones / Book Chapters & others:

  • 2023 Peña, A. M., ‘Mobilising Political Insecurity: The Pursuit of Trust in Times of Crisis’, in Heidemann, K. (Ed.), Combating Crisis from Below: Social responses to polycrisis in Europe, Maastricht: Maastricht University Press.
  • 2021 Peña, A. M., ‘Transnational Social Movements and Peaceful Change’, in T.V. Paul, D.W. Larson, H.A. Trinkunas, A. Wivel, & R. Emmers (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Change in International Relations (pp. 406–426). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • 2019 Peña, A. M., ‘Civil Society, Expert Communities and Private Standards’, in Davies, T. (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of NGOs and International Relations, Oxon: Routledge.
  • 2016 Davies, T, Ryan, H., Peña, A. M., ‘Protest, Social Movements and Global Democracy since 2011’, in Davies, T, Ryan, H., Peña, A. M. (Eds.), Protest, Social Movements and Global Democracy since 2011: New Perspectives, Bingley: Emerald.
  • 2016 Peña, A. M., The Consequences of Social Movements by Giugni, M. et al. (Eds) Cambridge University Press. Book Review, Mobilization, 21 (4), 506-507.