Publicaciones (publications)
A game–inspired algorithm for marginal and global clustering. Co-authors: Miguel de Carvalho and Andrej Svetlo¨ák. Pattern Recognition, 160, (2024).
Domain Selection for Gaussian Process Data: An application to electrocardiogram signals. Co-author: Nicolás Hernández. Biometrical Journal, 66, issue 8, (2024).
Uncovering Regions of Maximum Dissimilarity on Random Process Data. Co-author: Miguel de Carvalho. Transactions on Machine Learning Research, (mayo 2024).
Level Sets Semimetrics for Probability Measures with applications in hypothesis testing. Co-authors: Alberto Muñoz and Javier Gonzalez. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 25, issue 1, art. 21, (2023).
Density kernel depth for outlier detection in functional data. Co-authors: Nicolás Hernández and Alberto Muñoz. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 16, 481–488, (2023).
- Modeling Interval Trendlines: Symbolic Singular Spectrum Analysis for Interval Time Series. Co-author: Miguel de Carvalho. Journal of Forecasting, (2021).
- Brexit: Tracking and disentangling the sentiment towards leaving the EU. Co-author: Miguel de Carvalho. International Journal of Forecasting, 36(3), (2020).
- Support Vector Regression. Co-authors: Alberto
Muñoz and Javier Moguerza. StatsRef:
Statistics Reference Online, (2020).
- Support Vector Machines. Co-authors: Alberto Muñoz and Javier Moguerza. StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, (2019).
- Combining Entropy Measures for Anomaly Detection. Co-authors: Nicolás Hernandez and Alberto Muñoz. Entropy Journal, 20(09), (2018).
- Brexit: Tracking and disentangling the sentiment towards leaving the EU. Co-author: Miguel de Carvalho. International Journal of Forecasting, (2018).
- Discrimination Surfaces for Region-Specic Brain Asymmetry Analysis. Co-author: Miguel de Carvalho. Journal of Statistics in Medicine, 37(11), (2018).
- Entropy measures for stochastic processes with applications in functional anomaly detection. Co-authors:
Nicolás Hernandez and Alberto Muñoz. Entropy Journal, 20(11), (2018).
- Asymmetric latent semantic indexing for gene expression experiments
visualization. Co-authors: Alberto Muñoz, and
Javier Gonzalez. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 14(04), (2016).
- Generalizing Mahalanobis Distance via Density Kernels. Co-authors: Alberto Muñoz and Javier Gonzalez. Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis, 18, (2014).