Publicaciones (publications)

Publicaciones de los Profesores Investigadores del Departamento de Matemáticas y Estadística.


Calculus off the Beaten Path: A Journey Through Its Fundamental Ideas.
Author: Ignacio Zalduendo. Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series, 1st. edition, (2022).
This textbook provides a gentle overview of fundamental concepts related to one-variable calculus. The original approach is a result of the author’s forty years of experience in teaching the subject at universities around the world. In this book, Dr. Zalduendo makes use of the history of mathematics and a friendly, conversational approach to attract the attention of the student, emphasizing what is more conceptually relevant and putting key notions in a historical perspective. Such an approach was conceived to help them to overcome potential difficulties in teaching and learning of this subject ― caused, in many cases, by an excess of technicalities and computations.
Besides covering the core of the discipline ― real number, sequences and series, functions, derivatives, integrals, convexity and inequalities ― the book is enriched by “side trips” to relevant subjects not usually seen in traditional calculus textbooks, touching on topics like curvature, the isoperimetric inequality, Riemann’s rearrangement theorem, Snell’s law, Buffon’s needle problem, Gregory’s series, random walk and the Gauss curve, and more. An insightful collection of exercises and applications completes this book, making it ideal as a supplementary textbook for a calculus course or the main textbook for an honors course on the subject.

 Matemática para Iñaki.
Author: Ignacio Zalduendo. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, (2017).
Quien abra este libro quizá no creerá que se trata de uno de divulgación: verá que hay ejercicios y problemas, y encontrará que todo lo que se afirma va acompañado de una demostración.
No hay duda, en cambio, de que se trata de un libro que invita al lector a adentrarse en el pensamiento matemático a través de sus conceptos más elementales, aquello que conforman la base firme de la edificación matemática: los números naturales y la aritmética; el punto y la recta; los ángulos, las funciones circulares y las ecuaciones; las permutaciones y la probabilidad.
Ignacio Zalduendo escribió este libro para Iñaki y para todo aquel que aun tiene viva su curiosidad, disfruta de los desafíos y encuentra placer en el descubrimiento que llega después de pasar un rato pensando con lápiz y papel en mano. En esto se resume, a fin de cuentas, la matemática.
  Stochastic Optimization in Insurance: A Dynamic Programming Approach
 Authors: Pablo Azcue and Nora Muler. Springer Briefs in Quantitative Finance, Springer, (2014).
 - A concise viscosity solution approach in insurance control problems.
 - Provides existence and structure of optimal strategies.
 - Offers systematic construction of the optimal value functions.

Publicaciones recientes

  • Uncovering Regions of Maximum Dissimilarity on Random Process DataAuthors: Gabriel Martos Venturini and Miguel de Carvalho. Transactions on Machine Learning Research, (mayo 2024).
  • Optimal dividends for a Natural Catastrophe insurer in the presence of a climate tipping point. Authors: Nora Muler, Hansjörg Albrecher and Pablo Azcue. Submitted.