Diálogos de Derecho Internacional 2024

Jueves 15/8, 9.30h

Actividad en inglés

Invitamos al evento "Diálogos de Derecho Internacional 2024" organizado por la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella

Contaremos con los siguientes paneles y expositores/as:

9.30h to 9.45h - Welcome/practicalities

9.45h to 11.00h - Keynote address: Larissa van den Herik (Leiden University): “Coming to terms with a colonial past: a tango between lawyers and historians” 


11.15h to 12.30h - Keynote address: Samuel Moyn (Yale University), “A Letter to Kelsen on the Use of Force” 


14.15h to 15.00h - Nahuel Maisley (Universidad de Buenos Aires/NYU), “A History of the Demands of Publicness in International Law-Making” 

15.15 to 16:00h - Jocelyn Getgen (Cardozo School of Law), “Rome Statute Amendments as Sites of Reparations and Guarantees of Non-Repetition for Slavery and the Slave Trade” (with Patricia Viseur Sellers


16.30h to 17.15h - Alejandro Chehtman (UTDT), “The Juntas trial: adjudicating on the tightrope” 

17.15 to 18:h - Parisa Zangeneh (Galway University), “The gradual abandonment of the si omnes clause and the emergence of the grave breaches regime” 

18.15 to 19.00h - Juan Pablo Scarfi (Universidad Católica de Chile), “Revolutionizing Non-intervention” 

El evento será en inglés sin traducción.

Lugar: Aula Magna (4to piso Alcorta) - Sala 4 (4to piso Alcorta)
Contacto: Laila Dalia