Integrating Immigrants as a Tool for Broad Development

Viernes 5/7, 12.30h

Seminario de Negocios | Julia Seither

El propósito del Seminario de Negocios es convertirse en el lugar donde presentar nuevas investigaciones, así como, también, en un foro para aumentar el conocimiento mutuo entre los miembros del profesorado. 


International migration can contribute importantly to economic development in countries of origin and destination. The effects of migration critically depend on immigrant integration. We experimentally evaluate the impact of information provision and migrants’ aspirations on immigrant integration using a field experiment among Cape Verdean immigrants in Portugal. Providing immigrants with better information sources about integration processes promotes integration outcomes such as migration status regularization and quality of employment. It furthermore affects those left behind. Targeting migrant integration barriers reduces material remittances but improves political participation and attitudes over gender equity in the country of origin.

Julia Seither is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Universidad del Rosario. She earned her Ph.D. in Economics from the Nova School of Business and Economics in 2019 and completed her postdoctoral training at the University of Chicago and Universidad del CEMA in the Joint Initiative for Latin American Experimental Economics (JILAEE). From 2017 until 2019, she was a Visiting Student Researcher at the University of California, Berkeley.

Her research interests are at the intersection of development and behavioral economics, and, in particular, on the behavioral biases of micro-entrepreneurs, migration, and the development of social norms. Her dissertation received the Best PhD Dissertation in the PhD in Economics/Finance Award from the Amélia de Mello Foundation.

Julia is currently the Executive Director of the Rosario Experimental and Behavioral Economics Lab (REBEL), the Network Director (together with Stanislao Maldonado) of LACEA-BRAIN, an External Member of NOVAFRICA, and a Researcher and Director at JILAEE.

Lugar: Sala principal de Rectorado - piso Edificio Alcorta | Campus Di Tella: Av. Figueroa Alcorta 7350, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Contacto: Mariana Cunillé