Conversando con Nataliya Gumenyuk sobre el periodismo durante la guerra

Miércoles 20/3, 17h

Seminario híbrido
El Departamento de Ciencia Política y Estudios Internacionales, la Escuela de Derecho y la Maestría en Periodísmo tienen el agrado de invitar al seminario “Conversando con Nataliya Gumenyuk sobre el periodismo durante la guerra”.

Nataliya Gumenyuk is a Ukrainian journalist, and author specializing in conflict reporting. She is the founder and CEO of the Public Interest Journalism Lab which promotes constructive discussion around complex social issues. After the full-scale Russian invasion, Gumenyuk co-founded "The Reckoning Project: Ukraine Testifies" which documents war crimes committed during the war. The Reckoning Project’s documentaries and articles have been published by TIME, Vanity Fair, The Atlantic, The Dial, and New Lines Magazine. In 2023, under Gumenyuk's leadership within the “Connecting The Continents” initiative, PIJL brought to Ukraine senior editors, public intellectuals and journalists from Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Nataliya is the author of several documentaries and books, including “The Lost Island: Tales From The Occupied Crimea” and “The Maidan Tahrir” on the development after the Arab Spring, as well as the co-author of the book “The Scariest Days of My Life. The Dispatches of The Reckoning Project“. As a foreign news correspondent, she has reported from over 50 countries. Nataliya regularly writes for The Guardian, Vanity Fair, The Washington Post, The Rolling Stone, Die Zeit, The New York Times, and The Atlantic.

The Reckoning Project: Ukraine Testifies is an initiative of Ukrainian and international reporters, analysts and lawyers to document war crimes and create appealing stories that aim to provide historical documentation of the Russian war in Ukraine. Ukraine-based journalists and researchers collect testimonies of witnesses of the alleged war crimes, neutrally record them in accordance with a methodology that makes them applicable for use in litigation. The analysts verify them, while Ukrainian writers and documentary filmmakers create multimedia content based on the testimonies.

• Nataliya Gumenyuk (The Reckoning Project)

• Enrique Peruzzotti (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella)

El evento será en inglés, sin traducción. Se desarrollará de forma presencial en el Campus Di Tella y de forma virtual a través de la plataforma Zoom.

Lugar: Aula A106 | Campus Di Tella (Actividad híbrida)
Contacto: Departamento de Ciencia Política y Estudios Internacionales