Libros Recientes


Rights: Concepts and Contexts
Horacio Spector y Brian Bix (eds.)
Ashgate, 2012

“Rights: Concepts and Contexts” contains the central works of recent scholarship on the nature of rights, with contributions by some of the most prominent contemporary theorists in moral, legal, and political philosophy, including Joseph Raz, Robert Alexy, Jeremy Waldron, Morton Horwitz, Stephen Darwall, Margaret Gilbert, David Lyons, and Aharon Barak. With approaches ranging from the political to the historical, and from the analytical to the critical, this collection touches on the major conceptual and practical questions of this important field: what is the nature and grounding of human rights? How should conflicts of rights best be analyzed? Are rights best understood in terms of choice, benefits, or some hybrid of the two? What are the connections between rights and duties, and between rights and justice? The collection also offers useful introductions to emerging issues in rights theory such as the purported bipolarity of rights.

Resolving Transfer Pricing Disputes: A Global Analysis
E. Baistrocchi e I. Roxan (eds.),
Cambridge University Press, 2012

Via a global analysis of more than 180 transfer pricing cases from 20 representative jurisdictions, Resolving Transfer Pricing Disputes explains how the law on transfer pricing operates in practice and examines how disputes between taxpayers and tax administrations are dealt with around the world. It has been designed to be an essential complement to the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations, which focus on transfer pricing issues but do not refer to specific transfer pricing disputes. All of the transfer pricing cases discussed in the book are linked to the relevant paragraphs of the OECD Guidelines by means of a 'Golden Bridge', namely a table listing the cases according to the paragraphs of the Guidelines to which they refer. It therefore provides examples of the application of the Arm's Length Principle in many settings on all continents.

Reasonableness and Responsibility: A Theory of Contract Law
Martín Hevia
Springer Law & Philosophy Library, 2012

If, as John Rawls famously suggests, justice is the first virtue of social institutions, how are we to understand the institution of contract law?

This book proposes a Rawlsian theory of contract law. It argues that justice requires that we understand contract rules in terms of the idea of reasonable, terms of interaction – that is, terms that would be accepted by reasonable persons moved by a desire for a social world in which they, as free and equal, can cooperate with others on terms they accept. On that basis, the book explains the main doctrines of contract law, including those governing third parties, in both the Common Law and the Civil Law.

Problemas de vida o muerte. Diez ensayos de bioética.
Eduardo Rivera López
Marcial Pons (Colección Filosofía y Derecho), 2011

El avance de la medicina ha generado enormes desafíos éticos. En ellos está en juego la vida, la muerte, la dignidad y la autonomía de las personas. ¿Debería permitirse la eutanasia voluntaria? ¿Tenemos el deber de garantizarles a nuestros futuros hijos un mínimo de calidad de vida? ¿Deberían las personas con problemas de fertilidad adoptar, en lugar de utilizar técnicas de reproducción asistida? ¿Generará el avance de la genética desigualdades sociales inaceptables? ¿Quién debería tener acceso a la información genética de una persona? ¿Debería permitirse la venta de órganos? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que se exploran en los diez ensayos reunidos en este volumen. Se trata de artículos independientes, publicados en general en revistas especializadas, que ofrecen, sin embargo, un panorama amplio de algunos de los problemas de la bioética contemporánea.

Introducción al Derecho Penal Argentino
Marcelo Ferrante
Ad Hoc, 2011

Este libro es la versión castellana del capítulo sobre el derecho penal argentino que, en su versión original en inglés, fue publicado en el libro The Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law (Kevin Jon Heller, Markus D. Dubber eds., Stanford University Press, 2011).
El libro del que forma parte la versión original de este texto es una obra colectiva de derecho penal comparado. Sus editores identificaron primero un conjunto de dimensiones relevantes para la comparación de derechos penales y convocaron después a un conjunto de juristas especializados en distintos derechos penales positivos quienes, finalmente, intentamos describir los rasgos básicos de cada uno de esos derechos penales en cada una de las dimensiones identificadas inicialmente por los editores. El resultado es una obra en la que se describe, siguiendo una misma estructura descriptiva, los contenidos fundamentales de dieciséis derechos penales nacionales (Alemania, Argentina, Australia, Canadá, China, Egipto, España, Estados Unidos, Francia, India, Irán, Israel, Japón, Reino Unido, Rusia y Sudáfri¬ca) y el derecho penal del Estatuto de Roma para la Corte Penal Internacional. Esa estructura descriptiva común se manifiesta centralmente en los temas cubiertos, en el modo en el que están recortados y ordenados y en el lenguaje utilizado.

The Philosophical Foundations of Extraterritorial Punishment
Alejandro Chehtman
Oxford University Press, 2010

Why should a Spanish court take jurisdiction over an American lawyer accused of facilitating torture in Guantanamo Bay? What empowers a London magistrate to sign an arrest warrant for a former Chilean President? Can it be legitimate or morally defensible for an Israeli court to try a former Nazi whose crimes occurred outside Israel and indeed prior to the establishment of Israel? This book provides a systematic examination of normative foundations of extraterritorial punishment under international law. It examines when, and under what conditions, a state or an international tribunal would be morally justified in punishing an offender for a crime she committed extraterritorially. The first part of the book concentrates on the rules that regulate extraterritorial jurisdiction for what are commonly conceptualized as domestic crimes. The second part, by contrast, concentrates on international crimes and the jurisdictional rules applicable to them. While doing so, it also assesses the normative force of several objections often raised against extraterritorial prosecutions, such as the charges of show trials, victors' justice, tu quoque, or the claim that international criminal justice is liable to political hijacking                                                        or ultimately but an expensive taste for elites.

The Legal Foundations of Inequality. Constitutionalism in the Americas, 1776–1860
Roberto Gargarella
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010

The long revolutionary movements that gave birth to constitutional democracies in the Americas were founded on egalitarian constitutional ideals. They claimed that all men were created equal with similar capacities and also that the community should become self-governing. Following the first constitutional debates that took place in the region, these promising egalitarian claims, which gave legitimacy to the revolutions, soon fell out of favor. Advocates of a conservative order challenged both ideals and favored constitutions that established religion and created an exclusionary political structure. Liberals proposed constitutions that protected individual autonomy and rights but established severe restrictions on the principle of majority rule. Radicals favored an openly majoritarian constitutional organization that, according to many, directly threatened the protection of individual rights. This book examines the influence of these opposite views during the 'founding period' of constitutionalism in countries including the United States, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela.

El Derecho a la Libre Expresión
Hernán V. Gullco y Enrique Tomás Bianchi
Librería Editora Platense, 2010






Autonomy and Rights: The Moral Foundations of Liberalism
Horacio Spector
Oxford University Press, 2008

Moral and political theorists who espouse egalitarianism and Marxism tend to assume that it is extremely hard, if not impossible, to put forward an original and plausible moral justification of classical liberalism. Horacio Spector is concerned to build just such a justification. He reconstructs and then criticizes a familiar approach to the moral foundations of classical liberalism which rests on the maximization of negative freedom, and then frames an alternative theory centered in the obligation to protect positive freedom. In so doing, he parts company not only with utilitarianism and contractarianism, but also with the theory of natural rights. Among the topics he discusses are the concepts of negative and positive freedom, the notion of a moral right, the connection between positive freedom and personal autonomy, the axiological uniqueness of each human being, and the agent-relativity of moral reasons.