
Journal articles and book chapters (in English - Selection)

  • 2023: “International Criminal Law in Latin America”, in A. Chehtman, A. Huneeus & S. Puig, Latin American International Law (Oxford University Press, under contract).
  • 2023: “Argentina”, chapter in L. Betancur et al, The Oxford Handbook of International Law in the Americas (with Carlos Espósito, forthcoming).
  • 2023: “The Presumption against extraterritorial punishment”, in L. Farmer et al, The Transformation of Criminal Jurisdiction (Hart publishers, forthcoming).
  • 2023: “Jurisdiction in Latin America”, chapter in A. Parrish et al, Research Handbook on Extraterritoriality in International Law (Edward Elgar, forthcoming).
  • 2023: “The use of defensive force in Latin America”, chapter for the Göttingen Handbook for Latin American Law (Nomos publisher, forthcoming).
  • 2022: “The International Court of Justice and the Use of Force”, in Carlos Espósito et al (eds), Cambridge Companion to the International Court of Justice (Cambridge University Press).
  • 2022: "International Law and Constitutional Law in Latin America" in Roberto Gargarella et al, Oxford Handbook of Latin American Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press).
  • Spanish translation: Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Internacional (2020).
  • 2020: “International Criminalization: Normative and Conceptual issues”, in Kevin Jon Heller et al, Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law (Oxford University Press).
  • 2020: “Law or Strategic Calculus? Abstentions in the Argentine Supreme Court” (with Sergio Muro) International Review of Law & Economics.
  • 2020: “Exploring dissent in the Supreme Court of Argentina” (with Sergio Muro, Sofia Amaral-García and Nuno Garoupa) International Review of Law & Economics (63).
  • 2020: “Asymmetrical Warfare” in O Richmond and G. Visoka (eds), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies.
  • 2018: “Revisionist Just War Theory and the Concept of War Crimes” Leiden Journal of International Law 31(1), 171-194.
  • Spanish translation: “El concepto de crímenes de Guerra y la ética contemporánea de los conflictos armados” in En Letra. Derecho Penal 6 (2018).
  • 2018: “Social Validation Influences Individuals’ Judgements about Property” (with Leandro Casiraghi et al), Frontiers in Integrative Neurosciences 12:2.
  • 2018: "'What is an International Crime?': What kind of question it is and how we should answer it" Harvard International Law Journal, Online Symposium.
  • 2018: “Testing Representational Advantage in the Argentine Supreme Court” (with Sergio Muro et al), Journal of Law and Courts 6(1), 1-23.
  • 2017: “The ad bellum challenge of Drones: Recalibrating Permissible Use of Force”, European Journal of International Law 28(1), 173-197.
  • 2017: “Revisiting Defensive Killing: Liability, Mere Permissibility, and the Problem of Multiple Threats”, Utilitas 29(3), 321-343.

Spanish translation: “Recalibrando la legítima defensa: la diferencia entre la pérdida de derechos yla mera permisibilidad y el problema de las amenazas múltiples”, in Revista de Derecho Penal y Procesal Penal 8 (2018), 1558-73.

  • 2017: “War Crimes: a Roadmap for Philosophical Enquiry”, Introduction to a Special Issue on War Crimes, Criminal Law and Philosophy 12(2), 267-270.
  • 2017: “Terrorism and the Conceptual Divide Between International and Transnational Criminal Law” in Harmen van der Wilt (ed), Legal Responses to Transnational Crimes (London/New York: Edward Elgar).
  • 2015: “Occupation courts, jus ad bellum, and non-state actors: revisiting the ethics of military occupation”, Legal Theory 21(1), 18-46.
  • Previously published in the NYU Jean Monnet Center Working Paper Series. Reprinted in Tatjana Hörnle, Christoph Möllers, Gerhard Wagner (eds.) Gerichte und ihre Äquivalente (Nomos, 2020), 183-218. Spanish translation, “Tribunales de ocupación, jus ad bellum y grupos no estatales: revisando la ética de la ocupación militar” Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Internacional 4 (2016).
  • 2014: “Jurisdiction”, in Markus Dubber and Tatjana Hörnle (eds), Oxford Handbook of Criminal Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Spanish translation: “Jurisdicción”, Revista de Derecho Penal y Procesal Penal (2015).
  • 2014: “Traditional and Contemporary Approaches to the Philosophy of Crimes against Humanity” International Criminal Law Review 14(4-5), 813-835 (Symposium issue).
  • 2013: “Developing Local Capacity for War Crimes Trials: insights from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia and Sierra Leone”, Stanford Journal of International Law 49(2), 297-329.
  • Spanish translation: in A. Chehtman (ed), Problemas Estructurales de Derecho Penal Internacional (Marcial Pons, 2015).
  • 2011: “Developing the Capacity of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Process War Crimes Cases: Critical Notes on a ‘Success Story’” Journal of International Criminal Justice 9(3), 547-570.
  • 2010: “Citizenship v Territoriality: Explaining the Scope of the Criminal Law” New Criminal Law Review Vol. 13(2), 427-448 (Symposium issue).
  • 2010: “The Extraterritorial Scope of the Right to Punish”, Law & Philosophy Vol. 29(2), 127-157.
  • A previous version of this paper appeared in the LSE Law, Society and Economy Working Papers Series (WP 4/2008). German translation “Die extraterritoriale Reichweite des Rechts zur Bestrafung”, in Michael Pawlick and Gabriel Pérez Barberá, Strafrect und Philosophie: Argentinische Pespectiven (Duncker & Humblot, 2018).

Journal articles and book chapters (originally in Spanish)

  • 2022: “¿Juicios por Zoom? Breve reseña de la evidencia empírica disponible,” En Letra: Derecho Penal (with Luz González Gadea and Rocío López Resano).
  • 2021: “Guerra Justa”, en Íñigo González et al (comps.), Manual de Filosofía Política (ed Ariel, forthcoming).
  • 2020: “Perspectivas objetivas y subjetivas en la ética de los conflictos armados”, en Hilgendorf, Córdoba y Lerma (comps.), Festschrift Marcelo Sancinetti (Duncker & Humblot, Alemania).
  • 2017: "Una evaluación normativa del uso de drones en conflictos armados asimétricos" Isonomía 46, 29-62.
  • 2014: “Introducción” (with Eduardo Rivera López), Special Dossier on Just War Theory Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the beginning of World War I, Revista Argentina de Teoría Jurídica.
  • 2014: “Filosofía del Derecho penal internacional” in Jorge Fabra and  Ezequiel Spector (eds), Enciclopedia de Filosofía del Derecho y Teoría Jurídica, vol. III (México, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México).
  • 2013: “La Corte Penal Internacional y los nacionales de Estados no partes: en busca de las bases del derecho penal internacional” in Alejandro Consigli (ed), La jurisprudencia reciente y el Derecho internacional (Buenos Aires: Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales).
  • 2011: “¿Es posible saber si un testigo dice la verdad?: a propósito de ‘Detecting lies and deceit, pitfalls and opportunities’ de Aldert Vrij”, Revista de Derecho Penal y Procesal Penal Num. 10 (2011).
  • 2011: “Respuesta a Marcelo Ferrante y Hernán Gullco”, in Revista Argentina de Teoría Jurídica, vol 12(2) (December, 2011).

Book Reviews

  • 2018: “Protecting civilians in war, but perhaps not enough. A review of Seth Lazar’s Sparing Civilians”, Jurisprudence (forthcoming).
  • 2016: “Review of The Thin Justice of International Law, by Stephen Ratner”, Modern Law Review 79(5), 919-924.