The Department for International Development (DFID) and Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) are pleased to announce a second call
for applications under Phase 2 of their strategic partnership to provide a joint funding scheme for development research. The purpose of the scheme is to provide a more robust conceptual and empirical basis for development, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Additional resources related to the MDGs.
The first phase of the scheme, launched in August 2005, funded 46 world class research projects. A further 20 projects were funded under the first call of Phase 2.
This second phase of the joint scheme has a total budget of £23 million and consists of three annual calls for proposals. £7m is set aside for this second call.
The second phase of funding retains the overall 'poverty alleviation' theme from the first phase, and applications under this broad heading will still be eligible. However, ESRC and DFID have identified three thematic areas for this call where work will be of particular interest. These areas are:
* Population and Development;
* Development in a Changing World: the Challenge for Theory, Policy and Action;
* Inequality and Development.
Deadline for applications: 16.00 UK time on 30 September 2010.
The full specification document can be found below.
Any UK and non-UK applicant(s) and their institutions intending to apply to this call must ensure they are registered with the Joint Electronic Submission System (Je-S). It is essential to allow sufficient time to secure Je-S registration - we strongly recommend that applicants register with Je-S at least four weeks prior to the call deadline, as no exceptions can be made for late submission of applications.
If you and your research organisation are already registered for Je-S, electronic applications can be accessed via the central Je-S website.
* Full applications are invited between £100,000 and £500,000 (100 per cent FEC).
* The Case for Support is the substance of your proposal and is mandatory. It should not exceed 6 A4 sides, plus up to a further 6 A4 sides for various annexes and supporting documents such as bibliographic materials, glossaries of technical terms, charts, diagrams and tables.
* A Pathways to Impact statement of up to 2 sides of A4 must be included. * A CV for each applicant and any named research staff (maximum of 2 A4 sides) must also be included.
* All applicants from non-UK institutions or with non-UK partners must follow the additional specific guidance relating to overseas costs which can be found below ("Costings guidance for non-UK institutions and partners").
A series of workshops are planned for potential applicants in July. These will give advice on the application process and further detail on the remit of the call. In addition, they will include presentations from current joint scheme award holders and members of the scheme commissioning panel.
Workshop dates:
10.00, 16 July - e-Science Institute, Edinburgh University - register via the National e-Science Centre website
14.00, 21 July - Priory Road Social Sciences Complex, Bristol
14.00, 22 July - Wellcome Collection, London - hosted by the UK Collaborative on Development Sciences (UKCDS)
10.00, 23 July - The Rose Bowl, Leeds Metropolitan University
To register for workshops in London, Leeds or Bristol please email and include in the email subject the date and venue of the workshop you wish to attend.
Those wishing register for the Edinburgh workshop should register at the National e-Science Centre website link provided above.
* Checklist for Applicants and their Research Officers (PDF)
* Specification for Phase 2 - Call 2 (PDF)
* Guidance for Application Process (PDF)
* Costings Guidance for Non-UK Institutions and Partners (PDF)
* How to Include a Doctoral Student on a Project (PDF)
* ESRC/DFID Guide to Creating a Je-S Account (PDF)
* ESRC/DFID Guide to Creating an Application on Je-S (PDF)
* FAQs (PDF)
* List of Developing Countries for the Purpose of the Revised Costing Regime (PDF)*
* ESRC Framework for Research Ethics 2010
*This is a general guide of income levels in countries considered to be developing based on last available World Bank statistics. The list is a guide and is by no means exhaustive or definitive.
The ESRC/DFID Scheme is administered by the ESRC.
Please send email queries to or telephone:
* Lyndy Griffin: +44 (0) 1793 413135
* Peter Stephenson: +44 (0) 1793 442162
* Eloise Stott: +44 (0) 1793 413387