Canada-Latin America and the Caribbean Research Exchange Grants (LACREG) - 2009 competition
The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) is pleased to announce the launch of the 2009 Canada-Latin America and the Caribbean Research Exchange Grants (LACREG) program. This program has been managed by the AUCC with financial support from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) since 1995.
The purpose of this program is to strengthen international partnerships and consolidate emerging networks among academic researchers from Canada and Latin America and the Caribbean. It is designed to support small collaborative research activities which will contribute to the creation, dissemination and sustained application of knowledge in the development process in at least one area of IDRC thematic priority.
Eligibility: Applicants from Canada and eligible Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries are encouraged to apply.
The LACREG program applies to collaborative research between Canada and the following LAC countries: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Value: Support through this program will be cost-shared on a 2:1 ratio by the program and the partner institutions, respectively. The maximum value of each grant under this program will be $15,000 CDN.
Deadline: January 18, 2010
Note that a number of changes have been brought to this year’s guidelines so please read them carefully. For program guidelines (available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish), visit the AUCC website at the following address:
For additional information please contact:
Claire Millington
Manager, International Initiatives and Exchanges, AUCC
Tel.: (613) 563-3961 ext. 303 / Fax: (613) 563-9745
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