
[Versión en Español]



Principles of Private and Commercial Law – Abogacía – 4 credits

This course is about the most fundamental private law concepts – persons, human rights, rights in rem and rights in personam, civil status, juridical facts and acts, good faith, contractual liability and torts -. The course discusses the institutions of private law from several approaches – utilitarian, deontological, economic, Aristotelian, historical -. The debate between Vélez Sársfield and Juan Bautista Alberdi regarding the Civil Code, same sex marriage, the Thomist account of property and the Kantian foundations of civil liability are examples of the topics covered in the course.    


Obligations – Abogacía – 4 credits

This course is about the philosophical foundations of private law obligations. Among the specific questions to be studied and discussed are: what is “harm” in private law? What are the foundations of negligence and strict liability? What is the best available explanation of causation in private law? What is the justification for punitive damages? In order to approach these questions, students solve hypothetical fact patterns and discuss Argentine and foreign case law and legislation.


Contracts – Abogacía  – 4 credits

This course aims to answer the most fundamental questions of contract law through the lens of Argentine and foreign case law and legislation. Among the specific questions to be studied and discussed are: what kind of agreements are legally binding and why is that so? What is the privity rule? What kinds of remedies are available for breach of contract? What rules should courts follow when interpreting contracts? What kinds of things should be permitted to be contracted for and why?


Civil and Commercial Liability – LLM in Law & Economics and LLM in Tax Law

This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of both civil and commercial law. It adopts a philosophical and economic approach to the study of civil and commercial liability. In particular, the course focuses on the three main branches of private law: property, torts, and contract law.


Thesis Workshop – LLM in Law & Economics and LLM in Tax Law

The aim of this course is to provide students with tools that would allow them to develop skills in interdisciplinary conceptual research. Students working on their thesis are expected to attend and to discuss their work-in-progress with their peers.