Paula Feldman
Doctoral fellow, CONICET
Federico Giorgi
Research assistant
Martín Sinnona
Research assistant
Melisa Pandolfi
Master's student, MiM+Analytics, UTDT

Interaction between humans and AI systems
When engaged in conversation, human beings exhibit an extraordinary level of coordination along various dimensions of speech. This line of research seeks to understand and computationally model the different forms of coordination. The ultimate objective is to incorporate this knowledge into spoken dialogue systems (for example, virtual assistants) and thus try to improve their naturalness and usability for increasingly diverse tasks and audiences.

Automatic analysis of natural language
The immense quantity of data generated by humanity grows day by day. A considerable part consists of texts and audios in natural language (Spanish, English, etc.) posted on social networks. This line of research seeks to improve automatic natural language processing techniques, aimed at extracting valuable information from large volumes of data, both at the linguistic level (words, phrases, meaning, etc.) and at the paralinguistic level (emotions, sarcasm, violence, etc.).

Assisted manipulation of 2D and 3D content
Digital information gives us unprecedented abilities to create and edit content. However, some tasks on complex data types, such as images or 3D models, are still difficult and often require skilled personnel. This line of research seeks to improve digital manipulation tools through AI models, with a focus on CAD tools and industrial product design.

Social network analysis
The interaction with different devices and services that collect data from their users allows the relationships between them to be studied in detail. This line of research seeks to make use of modern network science techniques to model human behaviors that allow answering questions from disciplines such as Economics, Sociology or Social Psychology, as well as improving the performance of predictive models by incorporating this dimension into them.

Disease detection and understanding
Medicine generates multimodal datasets to improve disease detection, analyze treatment effectiveness, and in turn understand normal development. Data dimensionality ranges from 1D to 4D: from a PCR test (positive/negative) to magnetic resonance images acquired in space (3D), and over time for functional images (4D), and angular resolution for diffusion images (4D). This line of research aims to analyze and understand multi-modal medical data obtained in groups of patients in order to develop new models, and thus, improve the accuracy and detection of diseases as well as the understanding treatment effectiveness and disease progression.

Alternative economies in web3
In Latin America, the majority of workers are informally employed. They are excluded from the traditional financial system due to the lack of information to assess their creditworthiness. As a consequence, they are unable to access loans for growing their business or other services such as insurance. In recent years web3 (blockchain) created an architecture for the alternative, anonymous and decentralized financial system, reaching the interest of the informal economy of Latin America where the local fiat currency is often unstable. This line of research is focused on analyzing web2 and web3 data to promote an inclusive alternative financial system.
- "Entrainment-Metrics: An Open-Source Toolkit for Quantifying Acoustic-Prosodic Entrainment in Spoken Dialogue". Ernst, E., Gálvez, R.H., Gravano, A. In: Correia, Rosá & Garijo (eds.). Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2024. LNCS, vol 15277. Springer - 2025
- "Specialization trends in economics research: a large-scale study using natural language processing and citation analysis." Galiani, S., Gálvez, R.H. & Nachman, I.Economic Inquiry, 63(1), 289–329 - 2025.
- "Speech-induced suppression during natural dialogues". González, J.E., Nieto, N., Brusco, P., Gravano, A. & Kamienkowski, J.E. Communications Biology 7, 291 - 2024.
- "DUDF: Differentiable Unsigned Distance Fields with Hyperbolic Scaling." Fainstein, Miguel, Viviana Siless, and Emmanuel Iarussi. To appear in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) - 2024.
- "Teamwork Quality Prediction Using Speech-Based Features". M. Meza, L. Gauder, L. Estienne, R. Barchi, A. Gravano, P. Riera, L. Ferrer, in Proc. of SMM 23, Workshop on Speech, Music and Mind - 2023.
- "VesselVAE: Recursive Variational Autoencoders for 3D Blood Vessel Synthesis." Feldman, P., Fainstein, M., Siless, V., Delrieux. & Iarussi, E. To appear MICCAI 2023 - 2023
- "Learning normal asymmetry representations for homologous brain structures." Deangeli, D., Iarussi, E., Princich, J. P., Bendersky, M., Larrabide, I., & Orlando, J. I. To appear MICCAI 2023 - 2023
- "NORHA: A NORmal Hippocampal Asymmetry Deviation Index Based on One-Class Novelty Detection and 3D Shape Features." Deangeli, D., Iarussi, F., Külsgaard, H., Braggio, D., Princich, J. P., Bendersky, M., Iarussi, E., Larrabide, I. & Orlando, J. I. Brain Topography, 1-17 - 2023
- "Towards detecting the level of trust in the skills of a virtual assistant from the user’s speech" - L. Gauder, L. Pepino, P. Riera, S. Brussino, J. Vidal, A. Gravano, L. Ferrer - Computer Speech & Language - Vol. 80 - 2023
- "Bone-GAN: Generation of Virtual Bone Microstructure of High Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography."- Thomsen, F., Iarussi, E., Borggrefe, J., Boyd, S., Wang, Y., Battié, M. Medical Physics - 2023.
- "Assessing the Impact of Contextual Information in Hate Speech Detection" - J. M. Pérez, F.M. Luque, D. Zayat, M. Kondratzky, A. Moro, P. S. Serrati, P. Zajac, P. Miguel, N. Debandi, A. Gavano, V. Cotik - IEEE Access, Vol. 11 - 2023
- "Connectivity Patterns Evoked by Fearful Faces Demonstrate Reduced Flexibility Across a Shared Dimension of Adolescent Anxiety and Depression" - Hubbard, N. A., Auerbach, R. P., Siless, V., Lo, N., Frosch, I. R., Clark, D. E., Jones, R., Kremens, R., Pinaire, M., Vaz-DeSouza, F., Ghosh, S. S., Henin, A., Hofmann, S. G., Pizzagalli, D. A., Rosso, I. M., Yendiki, A., Whitfield-Gabrieli, S., & Gabrieli, J. D. E. - Clinical Psychological Science, Vol.11 - 2023
- "Automatic offline annotation of turn-taking transitions in task-oriented dialogue" - P. Brusco, A. Gravano -, Computer Speech and Language, Vol. 78 - 2023
- "Exploiting user-frequency information for mining regionalisms in Argentinian Spanish from Twitter" - J.M. Pérez, D.E. Aleman, S.N. Kalinowski, A. Gravano - Revista de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN), Vol. 69 - 2022
- "Reward-Related Neural Circuitry in Depressed and Anxious Adolescents: A Human Connectome Project" - R.P. Auerbach, D. Pagliaccio, N.A. Hubbard, I.Frosch, R.Kremens, E.Cosby, R.Jones, V.Siless, N. Lo, A. Henin, S.G. Hofmann, J.D.E.Gabrieli, A. Yendiki, S. Whitfield-Gabrieli, D.A. Pizzagalli - Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry - 2022
- "Automated radio tracking provides evidence for social pair bonds in an obligate brood parasite" - R.C. Scardamaglia, A.A. Lew, A. Gravano, D.W. Winkler, A. Kacelnik, J.C. Reboreda - International Journal of Avian Science - 2022
- "SketchZooms: Deep Multi-view Descriptors for Matching Line Drawings" - P. Navarro, J.I. Orlando, C. Delrieux, E. Iarussi - Computer Graphics Forum - 2021
- "Learning deep features for dead and living breast cancer cell classification without staining" - G. Pattarone, L. Acion, M. Simian, R. Mertelsmann, M. Follo, E. Iarussi - Nature Scientific Reports - 2021
- "A unifying framework for modeling acoustic/prosodic entrainment: definition and evaluation on two large corpora" - R.H. Gálvez, L. Gauder, J. Luque, A. Gravano - SIGDIAL - 2020
- "A cross-linguistic analysis of the temporal dynamics of turn-taking cues using machine learning as a descriptive tool" - P. Brusco, J. Vidal, S. Benus, A. Gravano - Speech Communication - 2020
- "Registration-free analysis of diffusion MRI tractography data across subjects through the human lifespan." - V. Siless, J.Y. Davidow, J. Nielsen, Q. Fan, T. Hedden, M. Hollinshead, E. Beam, C.M. Vidal Bustamante, M.C. Garrad, R. Santillana, E.E. Smith, A. Hamadeh, J. Snyder, M.K. Drews, K.R.A. Van Dijk, M. Sheridan, L.H. Somerville, A. Yendiki - NeuroImage - 2020
- "Half a Century of Stereotyping Associations Between Gender and Intellectual Ability in Films" - R.H. Gálvez, V. Tiffenberg, E. Altszyler - Sex Roles - 2019
Laboratorio de
Inteligencia Artificial
Escuela de Negocios - Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
Avenida Presidente Figueroa Alcorta 7350 (C1428BCW)
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Director: Agustín Gravano