CONFERENCE: The International Monetary System in the 21st Century

August 27, 2010

Speaker: Barry Eichengreen

Barry Eichengreen, Professor of Economics and Political Science at University of California-Berkeley, Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research (US) and Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (UK). Is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has been Senior Policy Advisor of the IMF. Eichengreen is an expert in the international financial system and in monetary regimens. His Works have been published by the most prestigious academic journals. His most famous book is Golden Fetters where he argues that the gold standard between wars was one of the causes of the great depression of 1930. Recently he has analized crucial topics in the international agenda such as, the relevance of the fiscal adjustment in developed countries, the relationship between the G20 and the IMF and the situation of the euro as a common currency of a large portion of Europe, topics related with the gold standard.