The Strategic Management Conference (SMLA) brings together academics and practitioners interested in Latin America.
The world is facing unprecedented challenges in multiple arenas, what has been termed a VUCA (Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous) context. This invites companies to question and revisit their strategic outlook. Particularly, this turmoil requires academics and managers to broaden their scope of analysis and incorporate the changes taking place in technology, the environment, geopolitics, economic, social, and legal dimensions. These radical transformations require revisiting not only current theories/perspectives in the field of strategy but also the relationship of firms with the government, unions, NGOs as well as take notice of new players such as entrepreneurs and changes in consumer preferences.
The conference attendees will have the opportunity to discuss their research with colleagues from different countries that share an interest in LATAM and to validate their concepts with entrepreneurs, managers and public policy decision makers.
Key Dates & Deadlines
Submissions Deadline: September 12th, 2022
Decision Notificacions: October 10th, 2022
Early Bird Registration: October 12th – November 14th, 2022
Regular Registration: November 15th – December 12th, 2022
Conference Dates: December 12th - 13th, 2022
SMLA invites theoretical papers, applied or empirical research and cases studies as well as panels and special session proposals. Presentation Paper sessions will be scheduled in a 120-minute block of time during the 2-day conference. Papers will be grouped into paper sessions of 3-5 papers per session.
We encourage original contributions that explore the following topics: Competitive and Corporate Strategy, Internationalization, Sustainability, Entrepreneurship, Public Private Collaborations (state capitalism) and Strategy Processes, Practice, Strategic Leadership and Governance. Papers will be double-blind reviewed.
Jaqueline Pels, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina
Jaqueline Pels is Director of the Inclusive Business Think Tank (ENI-DiTella) and professor of marketing at the University Torcuato Di Tella Business School, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her research experience is in the areas of inclusive business, emerging economies, marketing theory, and relationship and networking marketing.
Her publications have appeared in leading international journals including Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Marketing Theory, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Relationship Marketing, amongst others. She has served on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Marketing, Marketing Theory, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, amongst others.
Jaqueline holds a PhD in Business Administration from Leicester University, UK.
Erica Salvaj, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile
Erica Salvaj is Professor of General Management and Strategy at Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), Chile and Visiting Scholar at Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina. Her primary fields of research are strategy, leadership, organizational change, social networks,corporate governance and business history.
She was GCEE Fellow at Babson College and has received fellowships and research grants from the Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica de Chile (CONICYT) and Agencia de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica de Argentina (CONICET). Recently she has been awarded with the fellowship "Alfred Chandler" from Harvard Business School and the Australia-APEC Women in Research Fellowship.
Her publications have appeared in leading journals including Global Strategy Journal, Journal of Business Research, Harvard Business Review, Business History, Enterprise and Society, Business History Review, Corporate Governance: an International Review, Harvard Deusto Business Review, Academy of Management Proceedings and IESE Insights, among others.
Erica completed his Ph.D. in Business Administration at IESE Business School, Barcelona.
Carlos Rodríguez , INCAE Business School, Costa Rica
Carlos is an Assistant Professor at INCAE Business School. He teaches in the Strategy and Organizational Change areas. He holds a PhD from McGill University (Canada).
Keynote Speakers
Álvaro Cuervo Cazurra is a Professor of Global Strategy and the Lloyd Mullin Research Fellow at the D'Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University, USA.
He is also the Bualuang ASEAN Chair Professor at Thammasat University, Thailand; Senior Fellow at the Center for Emerging Market Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; and Faculty Associate at the Center for Emerging Markets and at the Business Sustainability Initiative, both at Northeastern University, USA. Besides, he was elected a Fellow of the Academy of International Business, the top association of international business scholars, in 2016. He is an expert on global strategy, and study three topics in his highly-awarded research: the internationalization of firms, with a special interest in emerging market multinationals; capability upgrading, particularly technological capabilities; and governance challenges, focusing on corruption in international business.
Álvaro has received an Honorary Doctorate from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, in 2019.
Founder of Grupo Los Grobo. Member of the Economic and Social Council at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella; of the Endeavor Directory (Argentina), and of the Consejo del Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento (CIPPEC).
He is also a Member of the Inter American Dialogue (IAD); the Consejo de la Productividad y Competitividad de Iberoamérica; the Consejo Asesor de la Asociación de Emprendedores de Argentina (ASEA); and the Consejo Asesor de Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness Latin American Program (ECLA) of Columbia University.
He is also Secretary and Founder of the Cámara Argentina de Biotecnología (CAB) and, for eight years, he was Member of the AAPRESID Directory. By November 2021, he was appointed Councilor Member of the Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI).
During the last ten years, he has been elected as one of the most prestigious businessmen of Argentina.
He has earned several national and regional awards and prizes for his remarkable performance as an entrepreneur.
Bernardo is Professor of the School of Business and Member of the Boards of Directors at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (UTDT) since 2013. He is also an Associate Professor at the Universidad of Buenos Aires (UBA) since 1994. He was the Director of Cepal-Naciones Unidas in Argentina between 2002-2011, where he had been a Senior Economist for over 20 years.
Sergio G. Lazzarini is a Full Professor at Insper. He was Dean of Research Degree Programs at Insper and he was Director of Insper’s Center for Strategy. He was visiting professor at Harvard University in 2010 and in 2012.
He does research on strategic management, with particular emphasis on how emerging market contexts affect business strategy, and the organization of the public-private interactions. He has worked in partnership with various nonprofit organizations to disseminate the so-called "impact investments" to obtain measurable social results as well as financial returns. In this context, Lazzarini coordinates Center for the Measurement of Social and Environmental Impact Investments (Insper Metricis).
He holds a PhD in Business Administration from the John M. Olin School of Business, Washington University in St. Louis, USA.
Ana María Mustapic is Visiting Professor at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. She was Director of the Department of Political Science and International Studies, Torcuato di Tella University (2016-2018) and researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cinetíficas y Técnicas de Argentina (CONICET).
Track Chairs
Dr. Amorós is Professor and Doctoral Programs Director at EGADE Business School, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. Until December 2015 he was the Executive Director of the Entrepreneurship Institute at Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile. He holds a Ph.D. in Management Sciences from ESADE Business School.
Andrés Barrios is Associate Professor of marketing at Universidad de Los Andes - Bogotá, Colombia. He holds a PhD in Marketing from Lancaster University, UK. Andrés’ research analyzes the intersections among markets, development and social conflicts, from different theoretical perspectives.
Diego Finchelstein is an Assistant Professor at Universidad de San Andrés (Argentina) and a researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas of Argentina (CONICET). He holds a PhD from Northwestern University.
María José Murcia (PhD), University of British Columbia; MBA, IAE Business School; BA in Economics (Hons.), Universidad de Buenos Aires. Dr. Murcia is an Assistant Professor in Strategy and Sustainability at IAE Business School, Universidad Austral (Argentina) and a Visiting Professor at University of British Columbia (Canada).
Santiago Mingo is an Associate Professor at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez’s School of Business in Santiago de Chile. He holds a Doctor of Business Administration degree from Harvard University. Santiago’s research explores how the institutional and business environment affects corporate strategy, global strategy, and entrepreneurial activity.
II, PhD - Columbia University, is Professor and Kellstadt Chair of Marketing at Loyola University Chicago. He has expertise in macromarketing and policy in transitioning and recovering economies.
Rodrigo Guesalaga is a full-time Professor and the Dean of the School of Economics and Business, and the School of Engineering, at Universidad Finis Terrae, Chile.
He holds a PhD in Philosophy in Marketing (Emory University, United States of America) and a Master of Business Administration (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
[Download CALL FOR PAPERS]Submission Guidelines & Formatting Requirements
Please submit a long abstract that matches the following criteria:Maximum word Length: 1.500 words including key references and main tables
Style: Times New Roman, 12-point Font, Double-spaced
Document type: Adobe PDF
Paper Size: U.S. Letter or A4, 1-inch (2.5cm) margin all around
Document must include:
- Title
- Method: Conceptual / Qualitative / Quantitative / Mixed Methods
- Research limitations/implications (if applicable)
- Practical implications (if applicable)
- Originality/value
- References
- Key words (max 5)
*DO NOT INCLUDE any Author Information (Names, Affiliations, E-mails, etc.). Papers containing any author information will NOT be considered for review.
Submitting your paper:
Send your submission to clearly stating the corresponding track in your subject:- Competitive and Corporate strategy formulation
- Internationalization
- Sustainability
- Entrepreneurship
- Public - Private Collaborations
- Strategy Processes, Practice, Strategic Leadership and Governance
Conference Fees
If your proposal is accepted for presentation, the participant(s) attending to present the research or participate on a panel or in a workshop MUST be registered to attend the conference.
Early Bird fee (until Nov 14th, 2022) | Regular fee (15th Nov - 12th Dec 2022) | |
Full Registration | USD 300 | USD 400 |
Ph.D. Students | USD 200 | USD 300 |
Virtual Fee (*) | USD 75 | USD 100 |
(*) Virtual fees will be exclusively available for non-presenting attendees.
In the meanwhile, have a look at the list of hotels below and start planning your visit!
Venue & Accommodation
Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (UTDT) has positioned itself among the top higher education institutions in Argentina and in Latin America. With a strong commitment to academic excellence, equal opportunity and pluralism, the University´s mission is to educate new generations of academic, social, political and business leaders, and to advance research and scholarship in the arts and sciences.
The School of Business is an important hub of production of new ideas and knowledge for the business community both in Argentina and in Latin America. It is also renowned for its pedagogic excellence, which is applied to its undergraduate, graduate and executive education programs. Our objective is to form the best business leaders in the region and to contribute to knowledge production through state-of-the art academic research. This is carried out by our professors, who were educated in the top European and North American universities, and who have experience in the most successful companies world-wide. Academic excellence, international perspective and a vigorous community of students and alumni are the Business School´s distinctive characteristics.
Bookings should be made by email in order to guarantee the negotiated rates. To access the discounted rate directly, please mention Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (UTDT) when asking for your reservation.
Meliá Plaza
Posadas 1557, C1112 CABA | | +54 11 5353-4000
Posadas 1232, C1011 - Recoleta, CABA | | | + 54 11 4819-1100
Esplendor Plaza Francia
Eduardo Schiaffino 2189, C1129 - Recoleta, CABA | | + 54 11 4819-1100
Gral. Las Heras 2161, C1127 - Recoleta, CABA | | +54 11 2058-5556
Urbánica Libertador
Av. Del Libertador 5690, C1426 - Belgrano, CABA | | +54 11 4787-3003
to get to the University
Av. Figueroa Alcorta 7350 - [C1428BCW] Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Free shuttles from selected hotels to the University, the gala dinner, and back, will be available.
Also, the university has a free shuttle bus that connects with the main bus & subway stops in the Belgrano neighborhood. You can check its frequency in this map below:
Conference General Program
Previous SMLA Conferences
- The Fourth International Conference on Strategic Management in Latin America, co-sponsored by the School of Management of the Universidad de Los Andes - UASM and the Journal of Business Research, was held from January 13 to 14, 2011 in Bogotá, Colombia. The theme of this conference was "Strategic Management in Latin America".
- The Fifth International Strategic Management Conference in Latin America was held in Mexico City on January 10 and 11, 2013 at the Autonomous Technological Campus of Mexico (ITAM) in Rio Hondo. The theme in this occasion was "The future of business in Latin America: Strategy in emerging market economies".
- The Sixth International Conference on Strategic Management in Latin America, co-sponsored by INCAE Business School and the Journal of Business Research, was held on January 8 and 9, 2015, in San José, Costa Rica. The theme of this conference was: "Strategies for growth, regional expansion and global competition".
- The Seventh International Conference on Strategic Management in Latin America was held in Santiago, Chile, and hosted by the School of Business, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, on January 5 and 6, 2017, with the support of the Journal of Business Research. This version of the meeting was developed in the Postgraduate Building of the UAI. The theme was "Strategic Management in a changing world".
- The Eighth International Conference on Strategic Management in Latin America was held in Sao Paulo, Brasil, and hosted by FGV and INCAE Business School, on February 19 and 20, 2019, with the support of the Journal of Business Research. The theme was "How can Latin American Firms Contribute to a more Rebalanced Society".
Contact Us
For more information: smlaconferenceba@utdt.eduNovedades
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